CFNA Statistics
Statistics-Major Agricultural Products-202405
Source:CFNA Published:2024-06-08

Major Agricultural Import


Meat (Including Offal):  import volume: 2.78 million tons, down by 11.5% y/y; import value: 9.79 billion USD, down by 16.1% y/y;


Dried and fresh fruits, melons and nuts: import volume: 3.824 million tons, up by 10.4% y/y; import value: 9.31 billion USD, up by 10.2% y/y; 


Cereal & Grain: import volume: 68.86 million tons, up by 5.3% y/y; import value: 29.54 billion USD, down by 16.9% y/y;


Soybean: import volume: 37.369 million tons, down by 5.4% y/y; import value: 19.78 billion USD, down by 22.4% y/y;


Edible Vegetable Oil: import volume: 2.86 million tons, down by 23.4% y/y; import value: 2.86 billion USD, down by 36.2% y/y;



Major Agricultural Export


Aquatic Products: export volume: 1.57 million tons, up by 7% y/y; export value: 7.71 billion USD, down by 7.3% y/y;


Cereal & Grain: export volume: 0.843 million tons, up by 15.4% y/y; export value: 0.6 billion USD, up by 4.1% y/y;

